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Access Token The OAauth 2 Access token needed to access Swedbank Pay eCom APIs. Tokens are generated in the Merchant Portal. Learn how to get started in the Merchant Portal Manual. Note that it must follow the regex pattern [\w-]*.
Account Receivable Consumer The AccountReceivableConsumer API is the fundament for Swedbank Pay Invoice Payments service. It is a service where Swedbank Pay helps produce and distribute invoices to payers.
Authorization The first part of a two-phase transaction where a certain amount is blocked on the payer’s account. The authorized amount is unavailable for the payer, ensuring that the merchant receives the money during the subsequent capture phase.


Callback If callbackURL is set, a Callback is triggered when a change or update from the back-end system is made on a payment or transaction. Swedbank Pay performs an async callback to inform the payee/merchant about this kind of update.
Cancellation Used to cancel authorized and not yet captured transactions. If a cancellation is performed after doing a part-capture, it will only affect the not yet captured authorization amount.
Capture The second part of a two-phase transaction where the authorized amount is sent from the payer to the payee. It is possible to do a part-capture on a subset of the authorized amount. Several captures on the same payment are possible, up to the total authorization amount.
Checkin Checkin is the first part of the Swedbank Pay Checkout flow (prior to displaying the Payment Menu), where the payer is identified by email and mobile phone number.
Consumer The person doing the purchase, equivalent to Payer.
Consumers The Consumers resource stores information about the consumer of the sold services or goods. It is the fundament of Checkin in Swedbank Pay Checkout.


Financing Consumer The FinancingConsumer Invoice API is the fundament for Swedbank Pay Invoice Payments service. It is a service where Swedbank Pay helps improve cashflow by purchasing merchant invoices.


Header An HTTP header used to carry information when doing an API Request. All API requests share some common headers.


Intent An intent is a payment parameter that determine the possible activity states available for a payment option (e.g. Purchase). Intents differ depening on payment instrument. Creating a payment within a one-phase payment flow (Swish, Direct debit) must have the intent to create a Sale. This is in contrast to a two-phase payment flow that have the intent to create an Authorization. Card payments also have specific intents that determine whether an AutoCapture is implemented (the credit card is charged directly like one-phase transaction).


Merchant Portal The Merchant Portal interface where you perform day to day operations on payments processed by Swedbank Pay. The Merchant Portal manual consists of two parts, [Getting Started and Interface and Search.


One-phase payment flow A one-phase payment is a payment done in one step. The amount is settled in one transactional step.
Operation A payment operation determines what kind of payment that should be implemented. Available payment operations vary, depending on payment instrument. The most common operation all instruments share is the Purchase operation. Card Payments have several others, such as Verify and Recur.
Operations Operations consist of an array of contextual links / actions that direct the payment flow in a given state of the payment resource (i.e. creating a capture transaction, creating a reversal transaction, returning a redirect URL, etc). Operations are HATEOAS driven and managed through API calls.


Payee The company that receive funds for the payment.
Payee ID The ID of the company that receive funds for the payment. Also referred to as Merchant ID.
Payer The person doing the purchase, equivalent to Consumer.
Payment A payment is the main resource in all of Swedbank Pay RESTful APIs, and a fundamental building block for each payment instrument during the payment process. The payment resource of each payment instrument is architectually similar, although it is tailor-made to manage the specifics of each instrument. It can be in different states and contain several different types of transactions. The state of the payment decides the operations that are available.
Payment Menu A Seamless View - embedded on a website - showing available payment instruments during payment scenario. The Payment Menu is the second part of the Swedbank Pay Checkout flow (after checkin).
Payment Orders The Payment Orders resource is used when initiating a payment process using the Payment Menu v2 and Swedbank Pay Checkout. What payment instrument the payment order will make use of is up to the payer. The payment order is a container for the payment method object selected, acessed through the sub-resources payments and currentPayment.
Payment token A payment token is generated through a card purchase or card verification. It contains all necessary payment details to enable subsequent server-to-server payments. Used in One-click payments and recurring payment scenarios (Card, Invoice and Swedbank Pay Checkout).
PSD2 PSD2 is the second Payment Services Directive, being the requirement for strong customer authentication. It is performed with multi-factor authentication, on the majority of electronic payments.
Purchase The payment operation that initiates a purchase payment process.


Recur The payment operation that initiates a recurring payment process. It is a payment that references a recurrenceToken created through a previous payment in order to charge the same card.
Reversal Used to reverse a payment. It is only possible to reverse a payment that has been captured and not yet reversed.


Sale A one-phase transaction where the amount is settled when the transaction has succeeded. Payment instruments using sales transactions are Swish and Direct Bank Debit.
SCA Strong Customer Authentication, which is a requirement from EU Revised Directive on Payment Services (PSD2). This implements the multi-factor authentication, for stronger security of electronic payments.
Swedbank Pay Direct API A payment flow where the implementer (Swedbank Pay customer) handles all user intreraction and make direct API calls to Swedbank Pay (server-to-server).
Swedbank Pay Seamless View A payment flow were the payer interacts with pages developed by Swedbank Pay directly through an iframe, directly embedded in the webshop/merchant site.
Swedbank Pay Payment Pages A payment flow where the payer is redirected to a payment page developed and hosted by Swedbank Pay.


Two-phase payment flow A payment done in two steps. Authorization and capture. The most common payment instrument using two-phase payments is card payments.


Unscheduled Purchase An unscheduled purchase, also called a Merchant Initiated Transaction (MIT), is a payment which uses an unscheduledToken generated through a previous payment in order to charge the same card at a later time. They are done by the merchant without the cardholder being present..


Verify The payment operation that initiates a verification payment process. It is a payment that lets you post verifications to confirm the validity of card information, without reserving or charging any amount. This option is used to generate a payment- or recurrence token, that can be used in a recurring payments scenarios or for one-clickpayments, without charging the card in the process.


3-D Secure 2.0 (3DS2) The new authentication protocol for online card payments. The protocol is XML-based and designed to be an additional security layer for online credit and debit card transactions.